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News 21.07.16
SIA Licensed Security Officer Mim Bahadur Pun has been selected for Vigilance's quarterly S.O. Good Award after an excellent three month's work. Congratulations Mim!
A panel lead by Personnel Director Som Chochangi selected SO Pun for his many qualities that he brings to bear intelligently to his daily duties at a variety of client sites in Central London. He was first employed at Vigilance in 2012 and has since performed at high profile client instructions like Deloitte's London Campus.
Of particular note has been this SO's high levels of competence, and his bringing initiative and intelligence to the conduct of his assignments. His flexibility and willingness to help, not merely gain more hours, has been a consistently marked aspect of his performance.
Som Chochangi commented:
"This has been an excellent all round performance; faultless. He has been commended to me by both his colleagues and senior managers alike.
"I always emphasise to our new SOs at induction being able to communicate excellently will not be the only quality to help win top awards and commendations. Other more difficult to attain qualities need to be consistently on display.
"In selecting Mim Pun for our SO Good Award I have factored in his loyalty, integrity, honesty and willingess to help. I can always rely on him to remain flexible to deploy and accept a challenge at short notice.
"Integrity and adaptability are essential qualities in a Vigilance SO, and this is what I am consistently looking for in my staff. Very well done Mim, I look forward to presenting you your award and £50 voucher in the coming days."
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